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Old Mar 08, 2007, 04:07 PM // 16:07   #1
Pre-Searing Cadet
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Default My Requests =)

Well.. alright. uhhh I doubt that PlayNC will ever make my ideas become true, but it still want to post them here into our community.
I wish they will do it in the future though, because i really love this game and i want it to get better.


I think everyone would love this idea. Everyone knows the Spamming in Kamadan and other cities when people are all like "SELLING..." and "BUYING..." and repeat it over and over and over and over again. It's really hard to have a conversation in those cities. Everything anyone says goes after 0.2 seconds and people don't listen to you when u tell them to do it in the trade conversation than in All chat.

It would be pretty good if they put a Vendor in the game and i'd give my item to the vendor for lets say 500g and who ever wants to buy it just clicks "Buy" and you'd automaticly get your 500 g and who ever bought it gets the item.
And if you want to buy something from the Vendor then you go through the list.
best thing would be to build in a "Search" machine.

and put in a Spam thing that somehow blocks repeats of "SELLING.."
and "BUYING.." so people will actually use the vendor

Auction House:
Same Concept just the Auction type of way.


This would be another usefull thing to have in the game.
When somebody is online/offline you can send them a mail and who ever
gets the mail can check his Mail Inbox and see his mail.
Guild Leaders would have an easy way to give "News" to his members etc.
Maybe be able to sent items over mail?

Clothes, drinks etc:

This isnt really that important but it would still improve the game alot in my opionen, Especially in an RPG game. Normal casual clothes for Players would be one of the greatest things ever. Clothes that can give you energy, but doesnt give you any armor. Maybe be able to craft yourself casual clothes with just a few materials.

There are alot of Drinks in guild wars like eggnogg etc which makes u drunk and stuff for sugar rush. =P but maybe make them waaaay cheaper. Some of them are extremley overprized and they're only for a couple of seconds.

Beeing Drunk:

It's pretty funny to see your character drunk with the "I love you man"
and so on, but i've never seen anyone walk so straight after drinking alot of "Beer". Maybe make him Tip over sometimes and let him walk left to right and right to left and maybe when he drinks TOO much that he falls down on the ground and everything goes black for a few seconds or when fighting outside in the explorable area that a level 1 is actually a level 20 etc.

yeah thats it. i would love to see new stuff like this sometime. some stuff might've been requested already, but yeah.

LazyDaLazy is offline  
Old Mar 08, 2007, 05:48 PM // 17:48   #2
Desert Nomad
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1) you are not supposed to post just a list of your ideas


2) most of these have been suggested before

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Old Mar 08, 2007, 05:50 PM // 17:50   #3
Desert Nomad
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Thank you for reading our rules in this forum. And the index of ideas. OH WAIT!

As stated in the rules, please don't make "a few ideas" threads. Create a topic for each idea after reading the index of ideas and searching this forum, to avoid 2 threads with the same idea.


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